“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence“… Louis Pasteur

The true definition of avatar comes from the “Sanskrit” word “avatāra” meaning “decent.” Within Hinduism it means a manifestation of a deity in bodily form on earth, such as a divine teacher. There is no one more divine than author, scientist, producer, philosopher Howard Bloom. Avatar for those that don’t practice Hinduism technically means “an incarnation, embodiment, or manifestation of a person or idea.”
Between the political debacles on the planet and the rapid descent of democracy as we know it, the state of world powers, the strange diseases emerging, it might be a good time to listen to the man often compared to Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Stephen Hawkins, and others. For people of many different faiths, even those who have none are beginning to feel that the end of the world might be near. According to the Bible the book of Luke states, “Kingdom will rise against kingdom.” The book of Matthew confesses “And if those days have not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short”, then there are also countless other quotes from the book of Revelation.

As for Howard he believes that one must find the Gods within themselves. This is probably one of the reasons why he was able to become the biggest music press agent in history. He was able to maintain the careers and even kick start the careers of the biggest icons on the planet including, Michael Jackson, Prince, Queen, Billy Joel, Billy Idol, Alice Cooper, Bette Midler, Bob Marley, Aerosmith, Run DMC, Joan Jett, and 300 others. His secret to this can be found in his best-selling book “Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson and Me.” Some of his other books include “The Lucifer Principle”, “Global Brain”, “The Genius of the Beast”, “The Muhammad Code”, The God Problem” and “How I Accidentally Started the Sixties”, each possessing their own secrets.
More recently Howard Bloom along with The Howard Bloom Institute is feverishly trying to save western civilization. It’s mission is “ to upgrade, uplift, and empower humanity. And to uplift, upgrade, and empower generations yet to come. It aims to accomplish this through the promotion of the works and ideas of Howard Bloom, and offers a new perceptual lens through wish to see everything inside you and everything around you in whole new ways.”

Beyond all else we as humans are the magic we pass on. The beats of knowledge that repeat and echoes beyond us into the future that we cannot always see. Sometimes the sky rips open and the earth erupts beneath our feet. If we can stand at all we are exposed and vulnerable in our frailty, bruised and bleeding, we are rendered only human.
The official website for Howard Bloom may be found at https://www.howardbloom.net
The official website for The Howard Bloom Institute may be found at https://howardbloom.institute
Photo Credits: Howard Bloom
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